Nevada Center for Civic Engagement

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Meet the People: Kim Magdos

“I am a 9 year HS Government teacher. I am coaching WTP for the first time.

QnA With Kimberly Magdos

What brought you to NVCCE?

To help support the WTP students and gain knowledge for myself to help the students grow in their own knowledge.

What do you love most about the work you do with our civic engagement programs?

Getting the students enthusiastic about their role in society, the appreciation they should have in our Constitution and how Government affects their daily lives.

What is your vision of NVCCE in the future?

To make the program more appealing to the students. In today's current climate, the students seem less connected to government, less connected to other people, and more concerned about their own self. They are reluctant to put forth their efforts during their senior year as they are burnt out and do not want to add more commitments to their plate.