Nevada Center for Civic Engagement

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Meet the People: Jennifer McMenomy

NVCCE is excited to welcome Jennifer McMenomy to our Board

I was born and raised in Carson City, Nevada. I attended the University of Nevada, Reno and Western State College of Law in Fullerton, California. I am the owner of a small business and live with my family in Reno.

Q & A with Jennifer McMenomy

What brought you to NVCCE?

I have judged We the People for the last 10 years.

Is there a story you want to share about your experience with our programs?

I am constantly impressed by how much NVCCE does in the furtherance of its mission and the long-standing impact it has on students and volunteers alike.

What is your vision of NVCCE in the future?

I would like to see NVCCE work toward an annual gala and have more fundraising opportunities.