Ask the Expert: All about the Nevada State Legislature

  • All About the Nevada State LegislatureLearn more about the Nevada Legislature works in biennial 120-day sessions. Our panel of experts share more about the experiences of elected officials, staff, and lobbyists. As well as the process of searching NELIS and tracking bills of interest.

  • Experts: Retired Senator Joyce Woodhouse, Lobbyist Jeanette Belz, and former Legislative staffer Jennifer McMenomy

  • SS.9-12.US.28. Examine how American culture is influenced and shaped by diverse groups and individuals.

    SS.9-12.US.32. Examine the changing roles, impact, and power of political leaders, parties, and voting blocs over time.

    SS.9-12.US.33. Compare the evolution of different political, civil, religious, and economic institutions and their influence on individuals, communities, and government policies.

    SS.9-12.US.34. Analyze the effects of media in shaping public perception and policies.

    SS.9-12.US.43. Examine the effect of individuals, communities, businesses, and government on the economic policies and decisions of the U.S. over time.

    SS.9-12.CE.18. Analyze and evaluate current issues, major legislation, and policies in Nevada politics.

    SS.9-12.CE.24. Analyze ways in which individuals can participate in the process of creating positive changes for their communities by taking informed civic action.

    SS.9-12.CE.31. Examine the role of special interest groups, lobbyists, and PACS on the U.S. legislative and electoral process.

  • PBS lesson from “Moyers on America”, suitable for middle and high school is available here.

    C-Span lesson for high school is available here.

    Invite a lobbyist from your community to speak to your class.

  • Take one of the ideas offered by Senator Woodhouse beginning at 37:05 and get involved!

    Research and then track a bill in the next Legislative session here.

    Research lobbying reforms that have been implemented since the Jack Abramoff scandal (2006). Evaluate a specific set of reforms and/or suggest additional reforms that could be put in place.


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