Ask the Expert: Primary Elections: How do they work in Nevada?
Primary Elections: How do they work in Nevada?January 1st, brought about several changes to laws, including laws regarding primary elections for the Silver State. Join us for an interactive and engaging learning experience to discuss how primary elections work in Nevada and why it’s so important to participate in them.
Our expert panel: Mark Wlaschin, Deputy Secretary of State for ElectionsDeanna Spikula, Washoe County Registrar of VotersAubrey Rowlett, Carson City Clerk-Recorder/Public Administrator
SS.9-12.US.14. Evaluate the impact of individuals and reform movements on the struggle for greater civil rights and liberties.
SS.9-12.US.33. Compare the evolution of different political, civil, religious, and economic institutions and their influence on individuals, communities, and government policies.
SS.9-12.CE.17. Evaluate policies enacted by the government to meet the needs of various social and economic groups in the U.S.
SS.9-12.CE.18. Analyze and evaluate current issues, major legislation, and policies in Nevada politics.
SS.9-12.CE.25. Investigate ways that citizens can utilize civic action to create communities of respect, equity, and diversity at the local, state, and national level.
Teach the difference between primaries and caucuses with this resource.
Sign up to be a student poll worker (you must be 16 years or older in Nevada). Here is the link for Washoe County.
For high school students, start a campaign at your school to get 18-year-olds registered to vote. This website has some ideas to get started.