Our Vision

Creating an informed, empathetic, and involved society.

Our Mission

We open the door to democracy by supporting teachers, empowering students, and engaging the community for a more educated Nevada.

Our Values

  • We believe in service above self.

  • We practice and promote integrity and civility.

  • We champion student-centered experiences.

  • We are nonpartisan.

The Nevada Center for Civic Engagement will be a leader and model for online, blended, and in person teacher and student engagement ensuring that all teachers and students in Nevada have access to high quality civic engagement programs and materials.

We believe that when students have an in-depth knowledge of our history, civics, and laws they will become active participants in their communities, be a part of an informed citizenry, and have a deeper sense of self-confidence.

In addition, several studies point towards students who participate in programs like ours perform better on standardized testing, report being more prepared for college readiness skills, and has been shown to encourage students to push themselves further.

What are donated funds used for?

NVCCE uses the funds it receives to support its programs' hard costs. This includes purchasing textbooks, eBook licenses, e-learning platforms, and coordinating events and programs.

Do Teachers have to pay for materials for their classrooms?

NVCCE commits to supplying teachers with all curricular materials and instructional support; of course, the number and amount are a function of our available resources.

What other kinds of funding does NVCCE receive?

NVCCE is donor funded, but has received foundation and public grants, as well as a “one-shot” legislative appropriation. There is NO permanent source of funding and NVCCE is diligently working to diversify its funding to promote sustainability.

Are donations tax deductible?

Absolutely! NVCCE is a 501(c)3 non profit organization - and 100% of the funds donated to it are used for tax exempt activities.

How can I or my company support you?

Donate - time and talent. NVCCE has an extensive list of volunteers who support our events and programs. NVCCE does need money too. Individuals may donate at any time and NVCCE is developing monthly recurring giving. Any company may sponsor or donate as well, for larger gifts, please contact us at engage@nvcce.org

Our Programs