Ask the Expert: Why is the Constitution considered a Dynamic Document?
Ask the Expert: Why is the Constitution Considered a Dynamic Document?A very special Law Day Presentation focusing on this years theme “Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change.” Join us on April 28th at 10am for this Ask the Expert.Join us for an interactive and engaging learning experience to discuss how the Constitution is considered a living document.
Our expert panel: Dr. George Van Cleve, professor and author and Dr. David Tanenhaus, UNLV History Department
SS.9-12.US.15. Evaluate the factors that shape group and national identity and how the American identity has evolved.
SS.9-12.US.15. Evaluate the factors that shape group and national identity and how the American identity has evolved.
SS.9-12.CE.19. Compare and contrast the U.S. and Nevada constitutions.
SS.9-12.CE.25. Investigate ways that citizens can utilize civic action to create communities of respect, equity, and diversity at the local, state, and national level.
This lesson from the Library of Congress can give students a deeper understanding of the words in the Constitution.
Dr. Van Cleve asserted the U.S. Constitution is not dynamic because the country has changed but the document has not. Does the Nevada Constitution have a similar problem? What can be done about this at the state level?