Models of Participation

The History Day model is flexible, allowing teachers and students to participate in various ways.

NHD Standards Alignment

More detailed standards alignment coming soon. NHD allows students to explore the Nevada Academic Content Standards in Social Studies Disciplinary Skills


There is no required timeline for History Day participation. If competing, most teachers start with our state contest date and plot backward, from kickoff and topic selection to contest prep. Whether or not you have a school contest or go all the way to the national contest, each History Day journey is unique and exciting.
Each History Day classroom timeline is different. The sample timelines below are from actual History Day classrooms.

  • Mid-October: Introduce History Day, spend next three class periods doing topic selection and preliminary research
    End of October: Topics and group selected
    November: Initial research done approximately 2-3 days a week, viewing sample projects around Thanksgiving
    December: Research once a week the first two weeks, research every day before winter break
    January: Research three days a week in class
    Last week of January-First two weeks of February: Project creation in class every day
    Third week of February: Project due

  • November: 2nd week - Introduce History Day
    Monday before Thanksgiving: Topics selected, initial research completed during break
    End of November/Early December:Media Center time for Primary/Secondary Sources
    Winter Break: Students research in a community or university library
    January: 2nd week - Thesis Statement Due
    End of January: First draft of all text due for feedback, have had approximately one class day a week to work on project
    February: Revising text and creating project, approximately one day a week of class time to work
    End of February: Project due

  • January 2: Project Introduction
    January 3: Overview of Contest/Topic Ideas
    January 6: Primary and Secondary Sources
    January 9: Topic and Project Categories
    January 10: Research Tips
    January 13-22: Research in class
    January 23-31: Project Assembly
    February 4: Projects Due

Project Creation Steps