Meet The People: Kalli Raimie Sam

We The People Alumni Kalli Raimie Sam (McDermitt Comined Schools) shares why Civic Engagement is important to her.

“Civic Engagement is any individual or group activity concerning public concerns.”

-Kalli Raimie Sam

Kalli Raimie is a senior attending McDermitt Combined Schools who recently turned 18, and is doing her best to pass her classes!

QnA with Kalli Raimie Sam

What brought you to NVCCE?

US Government class, and history in general.

What do you love most about the work you do with our civic engagement programs?

In this case, I am just getting involved and I look forward to participating more with this program.

What is your vision of NVCCE in the future?

My vision with this program, is getting to learn more about every community, that involves, people of all colors, but also getting all the cultures to finally see and feel peace between each other.


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