Meet the People: Larry Sage
With a strong background in both the military and the law, Sparks Senior Municipal Judge (retired) Larry Sage has spent his entire career in public service, giving back to both his community, his country and to the international community at large. He spent 12 years as a presiding judge on the criminal trial court bench; has been an adjunct faculty member to the National Judicial College since 1998; is a retired infantry colonel (United States Army Reserves); received the United States of America Legion of Merit; and has been inducted into the U.S. Army OCS Hall of Fame. He has been an adjunct faculty member to the National Judicial College since 1989.
During his terms as a Sparks Municipal Court Judge, Sage was instrumental in implementing many positive changes. He first focused on victim restitution, making it a part of every accident case. He followed this up by getting a federal grant with which to establish Nevada’s first special jurisdiction Alcohol & Other Drug Court. Another of his contributions was the organization of Nevada’s first Native American Victim’s Panel.
“Civic engagement is knowing the government of your Community/State/Nation; participating in those governmental functions and, improving those governmental functions.”
Sage continues to give back, as an international justice advisor and international peace monitor, heading up his own company: Legionnaire Sage Advice.
He has been an active We the People participant and supporter for years, serving as judge, lecturer and keynote speaker for the program.
Q & A with Larry Sage
What brought you to NVCCE?
My school outreach program "JAILS BOOKLET.' I've been a panelist many years.
What do you love most about the work you do with our civic engagement programs?
I feel better for the future observing the students’ participation and continued education. Public servants should set the standard for civic engagement programs for the youth!
What is your vision of NVCCE in the future?
I hope to assist with increased pupil participation and State Bar & county Bar Association involvement.